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England Academy is jointly owned and operated by Andrew Mitchell and Spruce Wang, and was opened specifically to teach English to Junior High and Senior High school students. Our focus is:

(1) To dramatically improve the students' grammar, as it is so badly taught in many of the schools in Neihu.

(2) To prepare the students to pass their school and university entrance exams.

(3) To prepare students who are going to study overseas to get high scores in their TOEFL, TOEIC and IELTS exams.

"英格蘭文理短期補習班" 由英籍老師 Andrew Mitchell 與王麗勻老師聯合經營管理,共同規劃所有課程,並為不同年齡層學生,量身設計專屬課程。


1. 訓練學生英文口說表達能力,將文法靈活運用於日常生活


2. 指導學生掌握學習重點,在學校考試中脫穎而出,進而順利


• We will also teach 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders if requested.

因應家長要求,我們也教授小學 3~6 高年級學生。

• All the teaching at England Academy is done by just 2 teachers:

 "英格蘭文理短期補習班" 所有課程—均由 2 位資深老師共同精心規劃與授課。

Andrew Mitchell, previously the owner and Principal of Andrew's English School on Hoping East Road, who has been teaching junior and senior high school students quality English for over 25 years in Taipei.

Mr. Mitchell老師—"安德魯英語" (位於和平東路) 創辦人並兼任校長職務,在台北教授國,高中學生優質英語長達25年之久。

 Spruce Wang, who has been tutoring English to junior and senior high school students for over 15 years, specifically to pass their school and university entrance exams.

王老師— 15年教學經驗,教導學生運用解題技巧,不論於學校考試・大學學測或指考,均可取得高分,穩操勝算; 並指導學生通過全民英檢各級檢定。

• With just the 2 owners doing all the teaching, the quality is guaranteed.


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